What is Tollo?
Tollo Community System is an online resource that helps connect people seeking social or financial assistance to programs and services within the community. These services include employment, financial assistance, re-entry from detention, housing, and other social services. Organizations and Government Authorities operate with enormous information gaps. These blind spots keep us from finding people who really need our services. It also prevents us from providing additional assistance to those we already serve. For example, a single mother with an 8-year-old child who earns less than $24,000 a year is eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Section 8 Housing, Childcare Services, and Medicare. However, she is eligible for her program of mentoring for her children, $10 internet access, free legal advice, free cell phone service, free tax preparation, energy support, and credit score repair services.
Tollo caters to individuals seeking services and non-profit organizations that provide those services. Non-profit organizations participating in the Tollo community system are a legitimate service to individuals who raise awareness of their services. Tollo is built with a guidance system that guides individuals through the services and programs within the network to the services and programs that are most suitable for them.
On average, one person can use 3 to 4 services. Our goal is to increase the number of services they really need from 6 to 7. The more services a person receives to enhance their life, the more likely they are is to succeed.
Tollo means "raise" or "raise" in Latin. We believe this system provides an opportunity to improve the ingestion process within our community through what we call NoWrong Door. "No Wrong Door" means that people with multiple needs can receive a range of regional services through the right referrals.
About Us
Tollo Community System(Tollo) is a Case Management system that will assist case managers with the ability to connect anyone seeking social or financial assistance to programs and/or services within their community. These services include employment, financial assistance, re-entry after prison, housing, and other social service needs. On average, an individual may receive three-four services. Our goal is to increase the services they truly need to 6-7.

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